Regain quality of life
„From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health.“
– Catalan Proverb

Why private practice?
Unlike as in a common out-patient clinic, a private practice allows appointments and a personal conversation without long waits within a convenient atmosphere.
Beyond that, I can dedicate more time for each and every patient.
The basis of a private practice allows analyzing physical complaints and how they match with all other findings, and to explain possible connections in between, as well as options for conservative or surgical treatment.
My professional target is to help to regain a patient’s normal quality of life:
Quality of life presents the state of subjective well-being, that is most likely expressed by contentedness and positive attitude to one’s personal life.

Specialist in neurosurgery
1958 born in Graz, Austria
1986 graduate as MD at Karl-Franzens-University, Graz
1986-1987 Research Fellow
University of California, San Francisco
1993 Resident at Dept. of Neurosurgery, Graz
1997 Habilitation (venia docendi: qualification as a university lecturer)
2003 Vice-chairman, Board of Examiners for Professional Neurosurgeons
2009 Member of the Committee of Student Affairs, Medical University Graz
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French
Spinal Surgery
Actually, it’s the cervical or the lumbar column that can restrict our daily activity.
Mostly, the reasons for this are degenerative disease such as disc herniation, narrowing of the spinal canal, instability of the vertebrae et cetera.
Surgical intervention should always be considered as last resort, whereas minimal invasive methods are preferred.
Peripheral nerves
Painful numbness or tingling of the forearm and fingers, mainly during the night, can be a sign of a pinched nerve in the wrist (carpal-tunnel-syndrome), or ulnar wrist pain that often arises from a compressed nerve around the elbow extending towards the pinkie.
However, these symptoms have to be clearly distinguished from cervical nerve root compressions.
Unpleasant sweating within the armpit and palm (wet hands) are no longer considered as a cosmetic problem. It can burden one’s professional and social life.
This problem can be treated by a minimal invasive, endoscopic intervention with permanent efficacy. Alternative methods, like Botox, are expensive and of short effectiveness.
Biopsy of muscles and nerves
Some neurological diseases are not easy to diagnose.
Sometimes neurologists require a tissue sample for exact histopathological classification.
Skull base surgery, brain surgery
A cranial or brain tumor is not necessarily malignant. Most important is an exact evaluation, as well as a precise planning of the best treatment strategy.
This kind of surgery ranges from biopsy for tissue samples to complete tumor resection. For some delicate entities sophisticated navigation systems to within a millimeter, or intraoperative MRI-control is required.
Vascular surgery of the cranium and spine
Intracranial aneurysms are bubble-like expansions of the arterial vessel wall. Some of them may eventually rupture and cause intracranial hemorrhage.
A comprehensive consultation is advisable to prevent from such life-threatening events.
Other vascular malformations may cause symptoms like headache, epilepsy but also bleeding.
Radiosurgery is a single-fraction radiotherapy for brain tumors, vascular malformations or functional targets that performs precisely within a millimeter. No craniotomy is required.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Painful spells arising from the trigeminal nerve can be the most dreadful torturers one can imagine.
Intense pain with sudden onset appears within one side of the face. This spells are triggered by speaking, shaving, brushing teeth, cold breezes etc.
In case, medication does not alleviate complaints, or adverse effects hinder treatment, surgery or radiosurgery can be the treatment of choice.

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Trigeminal neuralgia in general

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